Life's best wave is now...ride it.

Trevor Downs is a child of God, husband of Maia,
father of Jordyn, Dakotah, Colin and Thea and
writing partner of the legendary Danny Ray.

Buy Amazon Novella's of two of our screenplays here:

Monday, September 09, 2013

Communicate and Respect the Key Time!

The Continental Divide Ride with Megamel and Top Gun Tom!
     It's all about the Key Time!
 Here are a few photos from my summer trip with my dad riding dual sport motorcycles across the Continental Divide.  If you'd like to see the video blog I kept through the trip, go to my facebook page and scroll down a bit.  My Facebook.  Or check out My Youtube page.

My dad (MegaMel) and three of his buddies road from Colorado Springs to the Mexican Boarder, stocked their supply chest and then began to ride as much dirt as possible and make their way to Canada Following the Continental Divide.  The adventures that took place along the route are numerous and nefarious and so too much for one blog post.  Leave it to say, by the time they made it to meeting me in Breckenridge Colorado, two were off the trip.  That left Top Gun Tom, Megamel, and Captain America!  (The superhero persona I'd assumed for this trip.)

A multitude of wisdoms and wise cracks were developed along this adventure, but the one that I came away with most, if you want to have a successful trip...communicate and respect the key time!

In life or on road trips, it's always important to respect other people's time.  Of course this is difficult, because most of us function in our narrow focused mindset of our own time table.  When we take five short minutes doing final prep on our mountain bike, it seems perfectly reasonable, but for the other guy sitting there ready to roll...those five minutes feel like an hour.

A clearly communicated and respected key-time (the time when we start the engines, sit in the seat, walk the walk, or run the trail) will negate much of the stress that comes with traveling with groups (or getting out the door to church).

Of course, clearly communicated and respected is the key to key time.  You will always have somebody that no matter how clearly the key time is stated, they just don't respect it (or the people they are travelling with in my opinion).  These people are best left off the trip.  But for most, understanding how long a lunch break will be or what time the morning roll time is, will go a long way to relieving stress on a trip.

So while we were already having a blast the first couple of days, I think once Top Gun Tom, MegaMel and I established key times, it made the trip that much smoother.  So on your next adventure, and in life...communicate and respect the key time!  Now for some pics.

Here is my beautiful daughter Jordyn doing some summer tutoring...she is one special person.

 The family at dinner!
 MegaMel, Captain America, and Top Gun Tom start second half.
 MegaMel on the divide near Vail.
 MegaMel and some great guys who helped us out of a sunken mess.  See video on youtube or facebook at above links for more...
 Back on the trail and happy as a jaybird...
My Favorite camp site...Wyoming Plains!
My favorite cup given to me by Nick Fury himself.
 Cap at Old Faithful.

Top of peak...pure beauty!
Zena Del Lowe Ranch!

 Breakfast in Montana!!!!

Final night with big three.
Check out youtube link or facebook link if you want the full story!  And remember...Stay Positive!  Stay Motivated!  Love God!  Live Life!